Welcome to Walsall
If you recently moved or decided to move to Walsall, this guide is for you.
Whether you decided to work, live or study in Walsall, it might be difficult getting around, finding local services or, simply, finding things to do and meeting new people without being guided.
Welcome to Walsall was created by Nash Dom CIC as part of Walsall for All’s local integration programme in collaboration with local partners and agencies and is designed to support the integration of newly arrived communities and make them feel welcome.
The guide contains information and contacts for local services covering most aspects of living: health, employment, education, housing, transport, rights and responsibilities, social activities.
We hope that the information you find in the welcome pack will help you and your family to settle in and lead an active and fulfilled life in Walsall.
Nash Dom CIC and Walsall for All would like to know to what extent the pack was useful to you in finding local services, places and learning and understanding your rights and responsibilities.
If you have received or accessed Welcome to Walsall pack, please download the feedback form and send it to walsallforall@walsall.gov.uk