I’m currently studying Economics and have studied Government and Politics, and have just finished with The Prince’s Trust. I love playing chess and tennis, and often like to go walking.
Having Asperger’s Syndrome makes it difficult for me to socialise but also create and maintain friendships and this at times makes me feel lonely. I also have problems with anxiety.
Before I joined The Prince’s Trust and Youth of Walsall, I struggled to find my place in anything. Not feeling like I could connect with the world, I floated on. Whilst on the Prince’s Trust programme, I met a group of people who made me feel happy, gave me confidence and allowed me to learn about how to deal with different social situations. They let me be who I was.
I joined the Youth of Walsall through Prince’s Trust, and after discovering projects they were engaged with, I had a personal connection with the core message. They help me to feel like I matter, which means the world to me.
Next, I plan to gather as much political experience as I can through both representation and direct campaigning, but also in public speaking. I also intend to finish my Economics.
My advice to those wishing to develop confidence and skills, is to have faith in yourself and to be patient, but also motivated in your passions, beliefs, and your principles.