Now in its 21st year, the 18th of December will see us celebrate International Migrants Day. The date is in recognition of the creation of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families by the United Nations, which took place on 18th December 1990. In 2000, the United Nations General Assembly declared the 18th December as International Migrants Day, an annual day ‘to reflect on the role of migrants in our societies, their positive contributions and the challenges they face in achieving their full potential and capabilities.’
This year the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in the UK in collaboration with IMIX are supporting Civil Society Organisations, local communities and individuals across the UK to celebrate International Migrants Day.
The theme for this year is ‘It Takes a Community’, a reminder of our interdependence, common humanity and the unique contributions we collectively make to our shared communities. At no time have these things has more importance or relevance than over the past 12 -18 months and the challenges we have all faced, and the enormous contribution all of our diverse communities have made to those challenges.
At Walsall for All we are looking back over the last year and a half and highlighting just some of the stories from our migrant communities and individuals, all of which can be found below.
If you’d like to share your story then get in touch by emailing us at walsallforall@walsall.gov.uk or by tagging us on social media @walsallforall and don’t forget to include the hashtags #MigrantsDay #ItTakesACommunity #Walsall.