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The Faith and Belief Forum
Jan 18, 20213 min read
Awards Spotlight - Walsall Elite Martial Arts
Introducing, Walsall Elite Martial Arts, Inspiring Youth Award Winner How would you explain what you do to someone completely unfamiliar...
The Faith and Belief Forum
Jan 18, 20212 min read
Awards Spotlight - Walsall Creative Factory
Introducing Walsall Creative Factory, Supporting Women Award Winner You won an award under the Supporting Women Category, why do you feel...
The Faith and Belief Forum
Jan 15, 20213 min read
Awards Spotlight - Ryecroft NRC Community Association
Introducing Ryecroft NRC Community Association Community Associations play a vital role in supporting people across Walsall. The...
The Faith and Belief Forum
Jan 15, 20212 min read
Awards Spotlight - Children in Care Council
Introducing the Children in Care Council, Inspiring Youth Award Winner How would you explain what you do to someone completely unfamiliar...
The Faith and Belief Forum
Jan 14, 20212 min read
Awards Spotlight - Talking SENse!
Introducing Talking SENse! Improving Access to Services Award Winner Why do you love what you do? We are parents of children with special...
The Faith and Belief Forum
Jan 14, 20212 min read
Awards Spotlight - SOORA
Introducing SOORA (Social Orientation and Relief Association), Promoting Inclusion Award Winner Why do you love what you do? We feel...
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